Unfortunately for reasons of clarity, it is not possible to publish all models in different variants here.
If your model is not included in the price list, please send us a request. We will gladly give you a calculation for your personal model

modelwingspanmaterialmanufacturerprice incl. 19% tax
Antares6,00mquilted goodsBaudis245
Arcus_6,666,66 mquilted goodsH-Model246
AS334,20 mquilted goodsFlight Composite179
ASG29/Tangent6,00 mquilted goodsTangent231
ASH26-4004,05 mquilted goodsTangent175
ASH26-5005,00 mquilted goodsTangent216
ASH26-6006,00 mquilted goodsLet234
ASH314,50 mquilted goodsTangent175
ASH31_950_HKM9,50 mquilted goodsHKM293
ASH 318,40mquilted goodsH-Model278
ASK186,50mquilted goodsWoodwings267
ASK215,66mquilted goodsKD278
ASW154,05mquilted goodsMiBo, Graupner167
ASW15_5m5,00mquilted goodsAirworld, Schadl, Bruckmann197
ASW15_6m6,00mquilted goodsSchadl234
ASW204,00mquilted goodsValenta167
ASW 22_1/3_Baudis8,30 mquilted goodsBaudis267
ASW 22_1/5_Baudis5,33mquilted goodsBaudis229
ASW274,28mquilted goodsHKM179
ASW28_HKM7,20mquilted goodsHKM256
ASW28_SG_5005,00mquilted goodsSG-Composite216
B44,60mquilted goodsJüde201
B46,00mquilted goodsSchwabbauer245
DG600_Migflight3,40mquilted goodsMigflight122
DG800_CS_CARF6,00mquilted goodsCARF/Schauberger/Let231
Diana2_5m_Baudis/Ceflix5,00mquilted goodsBaudis, Ceflix197
Duodiscus4,44mquilted goodsTomahawk179
Foka43,75mquilted goodsAirworld149
Fox 400 AW4,00mquilted goodsAirworld192
Fox 4664,66mquilted goodsTomahawk209
Fox 5005,00mquilted goodsPaf234
Fox 560 Bruckmann5,60mquilted goodsBruckmann256
GP14 Velo4,20mquilted goodsMultiplex175
Hornet6,52mquilted goodsSchübeler267
JS-25,14mquilted goodsH-Model222
Ka86,00mquilted goodsPhönix234
Kobuz3,20mquilted goodsTomahawk164
Libelle4,28mquilted goodsMöller179
MG19_Hepf_4004,00mquilted goodsHepf166
Puchacz5,20mquilted goodsHB-Modellbau223
Salto Valenta4,50m / 4,33mquilted goodsValenta152
Shark6,00mquilted goodsVagenknecht245
Stingray 285_SG2,85mquilted goodsSG-Composite141
Swift2,54mquilted goodsMiBo, x-models133
Swift 3203,20mquilted goodsx-models164
Swift_5m5,00mquilted goodsAirworld223
Ventus 2c_6006,00mquilted goodsLet, HF, Robbe231
Ventus 2c4,50m

Alpina 30013,00mfoilTangent71
Alpina 40014,00mfoilTangent/Multiplex79
Alpina 50015,00mfoilTangent99
Alpina Race4,00mfoilTangent79
F3B mit RV ohne SLW
F3B mit SLW
F3J Folie_ohne_SLW_RV
F3J_Steppware_mit RV
F5J_mit SLW_Folie_mit RV

As of January 1, 2024, errors and changes reserved.

Unfortunately for reasons of clarity, it is not possible to publish all models in different variants here.
If your model is not included in the price list, please send us a request. We will gladly give you a calculation for your personal model

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